I'm Kevin O'Brien,
a passionate solo dev who loves to design and develop games. My main tools are Unity,VScode and SAI2.

-Kevin O'Brien.



Fur & Fang is a prototype for a grid based tactics game.
It features procedurally generated levels and characters.
The prototype has 1 level, 3 classes, and 4 species. Knight,Wizard,Archer,Mouse,Rat,Robin,Frog Which leads to 12 different character combinations.

The gameplay is based around positioning units around on the grid to optimally hit skills.

Play Here


CulType is a halloween typing game where you defend a lamb from a increasing swarm of sacrifical cultists.

There isn't a lot I would change about CulType, outside of maybe adding an indicator when dealing with spaces beween words.
It's basic but it's fun and does its task well, the scoreboard at the end adds a good bit of replayability to the game.

Made for the 2021 Spooktober Jam.

Play Here

Rat War

Rat War is a base defense game inspired by the classic flash game "Age of War".

The player buys rats with different abilites in order to take down the neighbouring blue base.

Despite looking rather easy, it does actually require a good bit of strategy in order to win.
Overall I'm happy with how this one turned out, however I wish I added some more juice to the fighting.

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Press Shift To Split

Press Shift To Split is a puzzle platformer where you control two sides of the same character. When you split you control both the black and white side independently.

White is able to double jump, and black is able to pass through small crevices.
The goal of the game is to light all the candles in the level, recombine, and reach the end portal.
It was the first game I made, and I think it holds up pretty well.

Play Here

Untitled Rougelite Dungeon Crawler

URDC is a prototype dungeon crawler featuring procedurally generated dungeons and character permadeath.

The gameplay is admittedly pretty barebones since I was mostly focused on getting the dungeon generator up and running.
It was a good learning experience.

Play Here

Survival Horror

The inspiration for this game was to combine the mouse control schemes you'd find in games like System Shock 1 or Ultima Underworld with the combat of the Kings Field series.

The idea was to have weak points on enemies which you would have to target with to deal damage.

Starting area.

I ended up remaking the game in Godot and making the player slash with the mouse instead.

I am playing around with this project.

FPS Game

This was a small project I made to learn Godot.

Short combat encounter.



Pantagruel is a first person dungeon crawler,deckbuilder,monster catcher.

The game is based around the "Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel", which is a woodcut book released in 1565.

The book contains 120 surreal illustrations of numerous creatures. Since the book was released around 500 years ago, all of the illustrations are in the public domain.

All of the monsters featured were catchable, every beast had a colour and at least one class. These classes and colours would dictate what cards they could use.

I stopped working on this game because the core gameplay loop was pretty bad.
But I think the aesthetic/vibes of the game are solid if remade as a more standard drpg.

8 Way Sprite Maker

Does what it says on the tin.

It converts 3D animations to 8 way sprites.

I chose to create this in unity rather than using Blender, because it allows me to easily adjust the resolution or omit frames from the final animation, resulting in a retro aesthetic.

It also works for non character animations like weapon animations.

Random Art

Small collection of art I've made over the years.

Bridget Byrne Anims

Robo Fists

Low Poly Yakuza

Adolphus P.Winter

Alien guy